Thursday, October 4, 2007

Photo Update

Hello all! I just posted 5 more pictures on the site. Some of the pictures are from when he was still in Grady. He is of course no longer hooked to any machines.

Randy is still doing very well on his recovery, and his case worker is saying his on track to be out in about a week! I will be updating the blog as I get more information.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updated photos Jason. I LOVE the one in the netted bed. Randy, you used to have that same clever smile and twinkle in your eye when you were little and had been up to something.

Unknown said...

Jason...hilarious...Halloween costume choices!
I visited with Randy today, when we walked to his floor he was walking down the hallway, I couldn't believe it. He is doing great, got his neck brace off today. He was cracking Lori and I up! Still rolling with his great sense of humor!
He can hold a conversation and remember certain things. I cannot believe how far he has come in just 3 weeks. It was so good to see the Randy we all know, coming through.
Our prayers are with you Randy, you will be back to your old self soon enough.

Anonymous said...

heyy it's meghan. Randy looks alot better. I hope he feels better. Tell Nina and everyone i said hey :]

prayers are with us for randy

Anonymous said...

Hey - glad to see randy is doing better. meghan and I both think of him and the family alot. and I also love the choices for the halloween party. too funny.
Thinking of you all !!
elizabeth mccallum

Evette & Ernie said...

Ernie & Evette said....
It's so good to see and hear that Randy is coming along. We wished we could come and visit, but know that Randy is being lifted up in prayer everyday. Continue to get better Randy! God bless.

With much love, your friends from South Florida......

Anonymous said...

Really good post!