Friday, October 5, 2007

Coming Home!

Hi again,

Randy is coming home for his weekend pass a week earlier! He'll be at home Saturday after 12 and stay until Sunday til about 6 or so. Lori would still like visitors to call before coming over. During the weekend pass he still has to stick to a schedule and can only have visitors at certain times. Also no smoking around Randy we're hopefully going to convince him he never smoked. Either way he's not supposed to be smoking, drinking or any other vices while recovering.



Unknown said...

WELCOME HOME! Although it's only for a short visit, it will be one of many longer ones to come. I'm thrilled to hear how much progress you have made. We are all rooting for you, keep up the good work and don't push yourself too hard too fast.


Unknown said...

Forward progress every day. Randy, I know you can harness your competitive nature to get better than anyone else in the same situation!! We love you. Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

Hey Randy, remember NO beer and NO cigarettes. Why would you want to start now, you've never touched either a day in your life ;-) Our prayers are always with you. Keep up the good work with your rehabilitation. By the way, your doctor said you are one of the smartest patients he has had, so no excuses, keep on going forward.

Unknown said...

Hi Randy!
Im so glad your recovery is going so well. You are one of those special people who endear yourself to everyone you know. Please let me know if I can do anything for you.

Harlan & Lizbeth Russo

Anonymous said...

Hi Randy, Joyce and I along with DEb were up in the Rockies for some R&R and took a side trip over Cottonwood Pass and ended up returning over Monarch Pass. So, we stoped at the hotel and end up having dinner. The whole place looks god. We met Teressa and Lori both of whom were cordial and very competent. From them we learned about your accident and got the blog address. We also called Greg this mornong and he had talked with Dave Dunn but did not have a great deal of info other than the details of the accident itself. We hoe and prey for a speedy and complete recovery. Say hi to you folks this weekend.

Best Regards,

Dave Polaski

Anonymous said...

Georgia and I are glad to see you are recovering so well. I realize it has been a traumatic experience for all, more for you than anyone, but at this stage, you have everything to look for and live for. We and the rest of our family hope your trip home is enjoyable and that you continue your successful recovery.

Our sincerest regards,
Frank and Georgia Jones

OldMan said...

Randy, I just found out about this site today and wanted to let you know that Linda and I are very happy to hear how well you are doing. I miss seeing you and playing Rock,Paper,Scissors to see who TO's. Keep working at getting better and know that you are in our thoughts.

Bill and Linda McEwen